About the Journal

Journal Title Batavia Community Journal of Health Sciences
Abbreviation Batavia Com. J. Heal. Sci.
Publishing Frequency 3 issues per year (January, June, and September)
DOI Prefix  
Citation Analysis -
Indexing -
National Accreditation -
Editor-in-Chief Achmad Fauzi  
Publisher PT Tangan Kanan Menulis, Jakarta, Indonesia


Batavia Community Journal of Health Sciences or BCJHS is an open-access peer-reviewed scientific journal published by PT. Kanan Kanan Menulis

The scope of BCJHS includes: 1) Development of human resources in the fields of nursing and health, 2) Community empowerment in the fields of nursing and health, 3) Rural health development, 4) Health promotion, 5) Application of technology in nursing and health, 6) Business applications in nursing and health

Each BCJHS's volume is calculated in each calendar year consisting of three editions. BCJHS is published three times a year every January, June, and September. Articles published in BCJHS include original articles and literature reviews. Articles must be written in English. BCJHS contributors are researchers, lecturers, students, health practitioners, and others who focus on health.